Session on Amazon research
We are happy to announce that we will once again convene a session on Amazon Rainforest research at the EGU General Assembly 2021. The session is titled “The Amazon – a biome of global significance in transition”. It is placed within program group BG2 and co-organized by AS2, HS10 and SSS8.
The Amazon basin hosts the world’s largest intact forest landscape. Due to its large biodiversity, carbon storage capacity, and role in the hydrological cycle, it is an extraordinary interdisciplinary natural laboratory of global significance. In the Amazon rain forest biome, it is possible to study atmospheric composition and processes, biogeochemical cycling and energy fluxes at the geo-, bio-, atmosphere interface under near-pristine conditions for a part of the year, and under anthropogenic disturbance of varying intensity the rest of the year. Understanding its current functioning at process up to biome level in its pristine and degraded state is elemental for predicting its response upon changing climate and land use, and the impact this will have on local up to global scale.
This session aims at bringing together scientists who investigate the functioning of the Amazon and comparable forest landscapes across spatial and temporal scales by means of remote and in-situ observational, modelling, and theoretical studies. Particularly welcome are presentations of novel, interdisciplinary approaches and techniques.

Jošt Lavrič, Beto Quesada and Matthias Sörgel as seasoned conveners of the session will be joined next year by Laynara Lugli from the AmazonFACE project. Like in previous years, we invite abstracts from all branches of Amazonian research and hope to see presentations from many of our ATTO members, as well as from other projects. Because our co-conveners are from multiple countries, career stages & genders the session was awarded the new EDI logo for equality, diversity, and inclusion. So now we hope that the session will be equally diverse, and specifically, also invite submissions from countries in the Amazon region.
EGU 2021 goes virtual
Just in time for the call for abstracts, the EGU has announced, that the General Assembly 2021, traditionally held each spring in Vienna, Austria, will instead take place entirely online due to the continuing risks posed by the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting restrictions on international travel.
While we deeply regret another missed opportunity to meet with colleagues and friends in person next year, we’re committed to graciously accepting circumstances that are beyond our control and continuing the Union’s efforts to minimize the impacts of COVID-19 on Earth, planetary, and space science research.
EGU is therefore excited to announce that we will instead host vEGU21: Gather Online (#vEGU21). This virtual event will be an entirely different experience from last year’s meeting, Sharing Geoscience Online, which we had just five weeks to plan. vEGU21 will provide a much more complete representation of the experience that EGU members enjoy at the annual meeting in Vienna.
vEGU21, which will be accessible from around the globe, will feature the 2020 and 2021 awards ceremonies and lectures, mentoring, networking events, and many more activities in addition to nearly 700 scientific sessions. The current plan is to extend the meeting dates to 19–30 April but to schedule all technical sessions during the last week of April.

The format of next year’s virtual EGU is different from this year. Each abstract author will have a 2-minute presentation in the new EGU virtual PICO (vPICO) session format. Following the 2-minute presentations, each abstract will have a breakout webinar. Like this year, materials can additionally be displayed online for registered conference attendees during a 2-month period. You can find all the details on the EGU 2021 website.
The abstract submission deadline is January 13, 2020. So head over to the EGU website and submit your abstract!