

Welcome to our website for ATTO, the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory – an Amazon research project.

This research site is located in the middle of the Amazon rainforest in northern Brazil, about 150 km north of Manaus. It is run together by scientists from Germany and Brazil. Its aim is to continuously record meteorological, chemical and biological data, such as the concentration of greenhouses gases. With the help of these data, we hope to gain insights into how the Amazon interacts with the overlying atmosphere and the soil below. Because this region is of such importance to the global climate, it is vital to get a better understanding of these complex processes. Only then will we be able to make more accurate climate predictions.

Have a look around on our website to learn more about the research performed at ATTO and in labs and offices around the world. Please note that the website is still under constructions and more content will be added. So be sure to check back soon! You can also follow us on Social Media to get an insight into the daily lives of the ATTO scientists and stay up-to-date on all the latest news and events!


This year's ATTO workshop will take place in at INPA in Manaus September 16 - 18, 2025. It will be preceded by a mini-workshop on data (management) on September 15.

A new study by Robin et al. reveals that isoprene emissions are associated with mechanical or chemical defenses vary between the different leaf phenological types in the central Amazon rainforest.

Blog: Voices from the Amazon

Aline Radaelli is the new outreach person for ATTO, working with Uatumã’s communities. She holds a PhD in sociology and has lots of experience working with indigenous and riverine communities. She even worked at the RDS Uatumã before, back in 2013.

Stefan Herdy is a Data Scientist and Software Developer at this University Graz. At ATTO, he set up small, remote stations to monitor the rainforest’s microclimate and atmospheric dynamics.

Project Updates

In 2018, ATTO junior researchers in Brasil initiated an education project with the local communities near ATTO. These communities of Bela Vista, Maracarana and Macacaboia are located along the Uatuma river, partially within the USD reserve. They are small communities